Chunky everything because I was too lazy to dice lol

  • @hamidM
    1 year ago

    Hey sorry you are frustrated but this isn’t a community that is for teaching you how to cook, it is a community for sharing what we did and to stimulate ideas. There are a million fried rice recipes out there, use a search engine, look at a bunch of recipes and create something that you would like. We all cook things differently and use different ingredients. I don’t cook with oil for example. If you are really curious you can stop by the discord and ask any one of us on advice, including OP on how you can make something similar to suit yourself. We’re an active community.

    We aren’t professional bloggers or content creators, we are people who have been cooking a long time and are just sharing ideas and inspiration, forcing every post to write up a recipe is friction and would create a dead community or a community of food bloggers who are writing shitty recipes for profit. I literally never use recipes and don’t find them helpful, I made fried rice last night after Marin shared this with us.

    The sidebar attempts to explain the philosophy a bit better