Foreign investment would be an economic boost for Mexico. The company has claimed that a plant there would create about 10,000 jobs. A Tesla competitor, BYD markets its Dolphin Mini model in Mexico for about 398,800 pesos—about $21,300 dollars—a little more than half the price of the cheapest Tesla model.

  • @Aceticon
    6 months ago

    Somehow the likes of BDY manage it in the EU were they are selling their cars just like all other car companies (including TV adverts and everything)

    Last I checked the EU invariably has tighter regulatory standards when it came to consumers (not just on safety but also in terms of consumer rights) in just about everything than the US.

    It seems a little strange that “safe to drive cars” per EU regulations wouldn’t be “safe to drive cars” per US regulations.

    Granted, plenty of Chinese companies (basically the poky little manufacturers) might not manage to fullfil Western Auto Safety Standards, but some of the bigger one already have overcomed that hurdle.

    Lets not have certain Prejudices cultivated for Political Reasons blind us to hard-nosed Business and Technical Facts.