The classic short film that introduced Mickey Mouse to the world, 1928’s Steamboat Willie has officially entered the public domain, which means filmmakers don’t need the permission of Disney to use that original incarnation of Mickey in their horror movies. And a whole bunch of them are taking advantage, with a slew of twisted Mickey projects already in the works.
The first of these features was The Mouse Trap, released just last month, with Screamboat headed our way sometime next year. And then there’s Mouseboat Massacre, coming soon.
Additionally, Bloody Disgusting has exclusively learned that ITN Studios is getting set to unleash The Mouse Experiment, and they’ve provided us with the official poster today.
Coming to VOD this Halloween season, “The film follows a group of friends stuck at a fairground amusement park hunted down by a mutated rat – STEAMBOAT WILLIE.”
For the sake of clarity, this film is NOT part of the growing “Poohniverse.”
We went through this in the 90s too it feels like