• @tee9000
    4 months ago

    But duuuude when you say “burn to” you are using the terminology you say is incorrect. You would have to say “from this cd im burning a copy” and yet you yourself are using the verbiage “burning to” which directly implies the original cd is being burned [to a copy].

    The whole point is that people used burning as a short way of saying what you are saying is correct. People made burn into a verb as a replacement for copy. Its the same thing as saying im burning this data… because you are indeed burning the data onto a copy. People can say “im burning this disc” to mean the same thing this is fucking stuuuuuupid

    Edit: its like “im tattooing a tribal pattern onto this guys ass” is the same as “im tattooing a tribal pattern”

    Does that mean someone is tattooing something onto a tribal pattern? No!!! Go away please