• @meatmeat
    1 year ago

    Your response suggests that you consider yourself a role model, someone who has all the answers and an ideal life. It makes me wonder how things would be if everyone were like you.

    Throughout history, we’ve seen problems arise from people who believe they are always right and have everything figured out. It’s interesting to encounter someone in their late 30s or early 40s who holds such strong convictions.

    When I read your words and see the topics you respond to, it’s clear that there’s a contrast between your apparent lifestyle of travel and luxury and the underlying feelings of dissatisfaction, anger, and insecurity. It’s surprising that you don’t seem to realize how noticeable this contrast is to others.

    You have a mentality of “if I can do it, anyone can,” which can be seen as positive and uplifting. However, it can also be viewed as privileged, narrow-minded, and even arrogant.

    I do not normally act on the temptation to be critical in this way, but I have to say that I wouldn’t want to be one of the staff members you “manage.”