
I have two Podman containers. One container that contains Linkstack and another container for the Nginx Proxy Manager. Now I want the Nginx Proxy Manager to retrieve the website from the Linkstack container. Unfortunately this does not work.

I integrate the two containers in a network. I realize this with podman-compose.

First, I created the network with “podman network create n_webservice”.


services: NGINXPM: networks: - n_webservice container_name: NGINXPM volumes: - /home/fan/pod_volume/npm/data/:/data/ - /home/fan/pod_volume/npm/letsencrypt/:/etc/letsencrypt ports: - 8080:80 - 4433:443 - 9446:81 image: docker.io/jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:latest linkstack: networks: - n_webservice container_name: linkstack ports: - 4430:80 image: docker.io/linkstackorg/linkstack networks: n_webservice: external: n_webservice

I have tried everything possible in the Nginx Proxy Manager with the entry, but unfortunately I can’t get any further. The destinations http://linkstack:4430 and are not working.

Can someone please help me how I can access the linkstack container from the NGINXPM container?

  • @static09
    5 months ago

    Here is the article I used to help me understand what I wanted to do. Hiding away in the actual Podman tutorials lol. Once I get my laptop up and running, i’ll post my config since it’s running in my learning environment and I haven’t done anything with podman in my prod homelab; however, this let me get two containers (database and webapp) connecting together.


    My environment is podman in AlmaLinux 9.4 SELinux inside a Hyper-V VM on Windows 11. I can access the webpapp in the podman pod from outside my laptop.