Does anyone here own one? I have questions! Kind of lusting for one, but, I need to know a little more about the functionality of selecting and combining patches (and people on youtube seem to only go through the sounds). Thanks!

  • @KammicReliefOP
    25 months ago

    yeees! I ended up getting one and have been loving it. It’s been doing double duty as a bedroom/ambient/BladeRunner reverb, and also a more standard “band” pedal when I play with friends (on less ambient patches of course… a more toned down 70s Plate for example). SpecLab is easy enough to get used to, and I’ve dialed in some stereo analog ping-pong delays that just melt my ears… So good.

    Thanks for your vote–nice to hear others liking it! I agree, not a cheap pedal but it should hold its value. Not sure I’ll ever sell it though. :)