• @j4k3
    5 days ago

    No it does not. This is the cultural bias failure I was talking about. It assumes the present is some idiot’s end game. We are still primitive and nowhere near even a remotely significant chunk of the age of scientific discovery. All of the hype about completeness and what is known is quite dubious. If you dig just below the surface of headlines you’ll see how little humans actually know. One day, a very long time from now, all of your technology will be biological. We have only barely scratched the surface of an understand of the subject. This is where all future technological developments will expand. We will be a footnote in the stone age of silicon with our massively irresponsible energy use and waste. That is the distant civilization that will look back on us now as we look back at the early history of civilization in Mesopotamia. The present cultural stupidity is how we are totally blind to our place in the timeline and the enormous potential ahead long after we are gone. The assumption that AI and automation means reduction is a complete fallacy of fools. It is just as stupid as saying efficient farming techniques will make all humans lazy and stop working leading to extinction. Technology allows for further specialization. It always has had this effect. Imbeciles fail to further specialize and add value. These fools lead to decline and decay because they extract wealth instead of investing it. This extraction culture is the only problem. It has been growing like a cancer for decades now. AI is just the latest excuse for a culture of reductionist imbeciles.