Alright. Let’s get a validating vent session going. My fellow beautiful autistic people, what are some horror from your experience with therapists?

  • @BilboBargains
    22 years ago

    I’m assuming that you’re referring to an experience with the NHS? Our provision of mental healthcare is shameful. I had a similar experience with a doctor who told me that since I have qualifications that it was unlikely to be ADHD. This was after I told them that I was worried about the substances that I used to get the qualifications. This went on for years as a series of doctors refused to refer me for a diagnostic session. I eventually paid for a private psychiatrist and was duly diagnosed at 47.

    I’m not seeking substances any more, I have no desire to because the problem has been decisively solved by the medication and a plethora of coping strategies. Now I’m expected to pretend that the last forty years of gaslighting in schools, colleges, doctors surgeries, etc, was all just a big misunderstanding? This is a country of bigoted Dunning-Kruger morons. Why do I need to follow their rules when they don’t know what they are talking about?

    Anybody labouring under a mental health disorder is forced to become an expert of their own condition while these cretins grub around in the dirt and wave flags for our most privileged royal family.