UN peacekeepers in Lebanon have been growing increasingly concerned by the activities of the Israeli army in areas adjacent to their operations.

The United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (Unifil) was established in 1978 and since the last Israel-Hezbollah war in 2006, it is the only military force apart from the Lebanese army that should be deployed between the Israeli border and the Litani River, 30 kilometres north of the border.

Israel ordered Unifil to evacuate its bases in the areas it was operating - however, it refused.

Now, Israel has reportedly established a forward operating base within very close proximity to UN Post 6-52, which is staffed by Irish peacekeepers, raising alarm from the organisation about the possible threat to their activities.

  • @sorval_the_eeter
    26 days ago

    The israelis trigger finger will keep pulling whether its UN or NATO or “Hamas” in their crosshairs. Its whoever stands on land they want who will be killed. Zionists consider all “goy” to be closer to amalekites than to peers or allies. All nonbeleivers are a short step up from cattle. Innocence doesnt matter. Raping innocents doesnt matter, and the israeli people themselves argue should be allowed.


    Also, one of their time honored "customs"has always been to spit on christians in Jerusalem. These are our great “allies” in the middle east that we are supporting a genocide in favor of at great monetary cost to ourselves, not to mention the total decimation of the US and the western alliance’s image globally.


    All the propoganda tropes Hollywood has created about swarthy arabs angry at the west are more true about zionists than they actually are about arabs. The arabs are mad at the west because of the nakba, Israels formation which murdered or kicked aout a million people from their homes. Its always been about that. We pretend its that “they hate us for our freedoms” or some other such BS.