• @[email protected]
    57 days ago

    I swear there will come a day when a mass gun nut uprising actually happens, and in that moment the gun rights debate will die a fiery death, because in a civil war scenario rigged explosive drones will be far more effective at holding off the inevitable crushing under federal boots than trying to shoot the people who have better guns and also hold home field advantage and also their kids aren’t actively ratting out their positions because they despise everything they stand for.

    • @Clent
      57 days ago

      If thousands of dead school children isn’t enough, a few thousand dead ammosexuals certainly won’t be.

      These are people who cannot accept the reality that their guns make them less safe. They each think themselves the exception to the sets of statistics that have no exceptions.

        • @Clent
          37 days ago

          Oh, only 500…since columbine. Thanks for minimizing them. I don’t ask for proof of how uncaring gun enthusiasts are but one you always provides it anyway. It’s amazing the research one can get a gun nut to do by the use of hyperbole.

          If I chanted the word to “school aged children” is no longer an exaggeration. Guns are the number one cause of death for children in america.

          If I change it to “school shooting victims” it’s an under count since hundred of thousands have been in the buildings during those school shootings.

          • @SupraMario
            -37 days ago

            Oh, only 500…since columbine. Thanks for minimizing them. I don’t ask for proof of how uncaring gun enthusiasts are but one you always provides it anyway. It’s amazing the research one can get a gun nut to do by the use of hyperbole.

            Considering 500 which isn’t just children is way different than thousands… yea it requires context

            If I chanted the word to “school aged children” is no longer an exaggeration. Guns are the number one cause of death for children in america.

            No it’s not, it had a single year during covid when everyone was closed in…but by all means…

            If I change it to “school shooting victims” it’s an under count since hundred of thousands have been in the buildings during those school shootings.

            I don’t know what you’re trying to say here? Can you clarify this.

            • @[email protected]
              26 days ago

              it had a single year during covid when everyone was closed in

              Not getting too involved but just a heads up for everyone, that study was highly flawed. It considered 18 and 19 y/o as “children” and only took place in a few cities which coincidentally happen to be some of the worst cities for gang activity in the country (which targets kids for members, often recruiting at age 10-13), NYC, LA, CHI, Philly, and iirc BMore. It also did indeed take place during covid lockdowns when less kids would have been involved in traffic accidents (the actual biggest killer) due to zoomschooling.

              Sure school shootings are a problem, but that particular study is bad.