This is the thin end of the wedge. Whichever racist PoS manager at TWO whom sent this is simply emboldened by our current racist PoS government. It gets worse from here.

Objectively, even to the stupidst person, that a distressed patient and stressed nurse will be most effective when using a shared native language in interactions with the patient.

Communication with the rest of the staff obviously should be in the common language.

It’s extra stupid because while we can assume a nurse has competency in English there’s no guarantee the patient or patient’s support does.

  • @HappycamperNZ
    54 days ago

    Looking at intent, this could very well be “speak English internally”. Translating instructions from a doctor to (for example) Chinese, communication in Chinese between staff then translating to English to someone carrying out the instructions does add two more places something can get missed or go wrong. It also leaves out opportunity for someone who doesn’t speak that language to overhear any mistakes.

    Patent to staff communication needs to be done in the best way possible- this could be own language, but a common language may deliver better results. Staff are trained, let them make the call.

    This could also be people bitching “I thought this was a NZ hospital, not China” and management having to deal with that issue. Sorry, we don’t make enough and train enough doctors, nurses and general staff to meet national requirements - if you don’t like it pay more tax, study yourself or fuck off and reduce the load.

    Could also be people being moody we use Maori names. Quite simply, fuck off.

    Let’s be honest, it’s probably my last two points.