As human rights groups continue to call out war crimes committed by the Israeli military, we speak to the only U.S. diplomat to publicly resign from the Biden administration over its policy on Israel.

We first spoke to Hala Rharrit when she resigned from the State Department in April, citing the illegal and deceptive nature of U.S. policy in the Middle East. “We continue to willfully violate laws so that we surge U.S. military assistance to Israel,” she says after more than a year of Israel’s war on Gaza.

Rharrit says she found the Biden administration unmovable in its “counterproductive policy,” which she believes has gravely harmed U.S. interests in the Middle East. “We are going to feel the repercussions of that for years, decades, generations.”

  • @Aceticon
    13 hours ago

    Anti-muslim Racism has been pretty common and accepted in the West since even before 9/11 (though it definitelly exploded in the aftermath of it) plus Jews are seen as Whites Of A Different Religion (it’s not for nothing that Zionists since the very beginning constantly repeat the “Israel has Western values” mantra).

    So for those people the entire reading of the situation, judgment of the actions of the participants and definition of what’s an acceptable or unaccetable response is anchored on what their anti-Muslim and pro-White prejudices tell them is the character of everybody in each of the sides involved (or, in simple terms, who are the “good guys” for whom everything is justifiable and the “bad guys” whose actions are always evil).

    This is why so many Liberals ended up siding with American Fascists in their defense of an ethno-Fascist (i.e. Nazi-like) regime commiting ethnic Genocide - they too aways judged people based on their etnicity, differing only from one another in the list of “presumed good” and “presumed bad” ethnicities, and in this specific case both shared “Jews” in their list of “good ethnicity” (the Fascists because they saw them as Westerners - i.e. White - and the Liberals because they saw them as Victims following the Holocaust, a view heavilly propagandized by Zionists) and “Muslims” in the list of “bad ethnicity” (curiously both because they’re not White, and both via the cultural differences between them and “Westerners”, though Fascists and Liberals disliked different elements the culture of “Muslims” - I use quotes because whilst they see it as a single culture, it’s not, not even close).