As human rights groups continue to call out war crimes committed by the Israeli military, we speak to the only U.S. diplomat to publicly resign from the Biden administration over its policy on Israel.

We first spoke to Hala Rharrit when she resigned from the State Department in April, citing the illegal and deceptive nature of U.S. policy in the Middle East. “We continue to willfully violate laws so that we surge U.S. military assistance to Israel,” she says after more than a year of Israel’s war on Gaza.

Rharrit says she found the Biden administration unmovable in its “counterproductive policy,” which she believes has gravely harmed U.S. interests in the Middle East. “We are going to feel the repercussions of that for years, decades, generations.”

  • @Carrolade
    12 hours ago

    I am not focusing on birth rate, I did not mention the birth rate. I speak of total population figures, which takes both births and deaths into account. Gaza was growing in total population, not diminishing, until very recently. You mischaracterize yet again.

    Regardless of the goals of the Oslo Accords, they were a peace agreement agreed upon by the representatives of both sides. No, they did not concede every Palestinian demand, right of return is a very notable one. It illustrates your extremist views though, that you see this compromise proposal agreed to by Arafat, as intended to destroy the Palestinian people. Perhaps you lean more Hamas than Fatah? Are you only willing to see a two-state solution if it is at the 1967 borders, also known as the Green Line?

    If the peace wasn’t real, then why were some settlements being dismantled? Why was land being given back to the Palestinians? What is this footage of Israeli settlers being dragged away by Israeli soldiers?

    You know, I never claimed your sources were propaganda. The propaganda is coming from you, and how you cherry pick and otherwise deny all perspectives asides those coming from a small selection of sources.

    I’ve already discussed Ilan Pappe’s Post-Modernism, and how even in his own defense that you shared he acknowledged some of the claims against him. Yet you just go right back to him. This is your faith at work.

    edit: Your goal as a propagandist is clearly indicated by your automatic downvoting of everything I say that disagrees with you, incidentally. You act as a holy arbiter of truth, but really you’re just another political activist willing to do “whatever it takes”, aren’t you? Uninterested in any form of perspective that does not glorify hamas and demonize Israel, as you conveniently duck every criticism I level at them while trying to redirect all attention to Israeli atrocities.

    The self-righteousness of people like you will be the doom of what you are trying to save. The truth, even the harder parts of it, can save them though. Acknowledging even the ugliest parts of the truth allows us to grow out of the grievances in our hearts, for the sake of future generations.