• @Hugin
    24 months ago

    Just to warn you there is a lot of lore and it’s changed and been retconned over the last 40 years. That leads to some odd stuff like Leman Russ having a tank named after him.

    It’s also had some major tone shifts from silly (Inquisitor Obiwan Sherlock Cluseau ) to so Grim Dark it becomes Grim Derp. It’s in a sort of midpoint now.

    So look into what you find interesting and if you don’t like it switch sources or topic. Expect things to be contradictory depending on when it was written.

    Here is a good but silly video background to the origin of the orks. It’s still mostly accurate. In 30k the Emperor got hurt and was put on a life support chair. He’s been there for 10k years unable to communicate.

    Premise of this series is they install a text to speech device and now big E can communicate. So they update him on the state of the Imperium and he fills in all the missing history. It’s a fan video and noncannon but lore accurate for when it was made.


    If you want a more serious tone for your lore dump try luetin09 or oculus imperialis. They are to dry for me but pretty good content.

    Also WAAGH is the ork war cry and WAAGH energy is the reality bending field that makes the orks group think real. So red things go faster because red is the fastest color.