Summary: Boeing machinists’ union leadership endorses the latest contract proposal, which includes a 38% wage increase and a $12,000 lump sum, and calls for a vote on Monday. The strike, which began on September 13, has halted production and prevented Boeing from producing new 737s.

    5 months ago

    Average machinists pay would be $120,000.00…an increase of $48,000.00

    Last week, the company reported a $6.1 billion third-quarter loss.

    Boing’s leadership has managed to piss away $6x109 just this quarter and continues to fuck around over a change of $4x104 per aerospace engineer employee per year.

    If they are employing 4x5x105 engineers (2,000,000 engineers) it may make economic sense for them to play hard ball, here, and drive that $6.1 billion loss up even farther.

    While the bureau of labor statistics seems to think that there’s only around 30,000 aerospace engineers employed in the entire country where Boeing operates…

    Perhaps Boeing is secretly employing an additional 1.97 million engineers who just aren’t paying taxes…(This is sarcasm. Boeing leadership are, as usual, being dumb asses.)

    This is hyperbole, obviously. There’s always other factors. But looking at the difference in these numbers gives some context for how out of touch Boeing leadership is.