I moved to a house (my first) recently and we bought full size chocolate bars and beef jerky sticks to give out (in case someone doesn’t want chocolate).

Not a single child came. I didn’t see or hear anyone under 20 the entire night. We all stayed out on the porch for hours.

The only chocolate bar we gave out was to the pizza lady.

Does nobody trick-or-treat? We have kids in the neighborhood. I see them rising bikes during the day.

How was everyone else’s Halloween?

Edit: We got one! Long after trick or treating hours were over, a little cowboy knocked on our door. I gave him like 5 candy bars and 2 jerky sticks. He was very happy. His dad stopped in a car and he got out to knock on our door. I reckon it had to do with the fake neon LED “trick or treat” sign we hung on the porch.

  • @[email protected]
    54 months ago

    First year after we moved in, we decorated, bought candy, the whole nine yards. No one came. Next year we bought a smaller bag of candy, and ate it all ourselves. Left a bowl of candy out about 6 or 7 years later, after more kids started appearing on the street. Still not a one.

    There’s a bunch of kids on the street, and a few people do put up some nice decorations, but we found out that everyone either does this trunk or treat thing at the church at the front of the community, or goes downtown, where they block off the streets and all the big houses decorate and have movies in their yard and stuff.