I don’t want an AI girlfriend, I just want to think out loud to another person. It helps me think and solve problems on my own. I feel like AI should be perfect for that. However the couple I’ve seen advertised and tried out… Well they essentially are only programmed to be like:

“Let’s change the subject. Maybe this picture will help” blured picture behind a $50 subscription pay wall

And I’m like “no… If I wanted to change the subject I wouldn’t be talking about this subject. I’m not at all interested in $50 AI tits.”

I have a very low bar of expectations. Even if the AI just responds “wow, that’s crazy” to everything that would probably be fine for my needs. More would be better but I do not need lewd pictures and I’m not paying $50 a month lol.

  • @AeaoOP
    4 months ago

    I can tell you for a fact if men had boobs our bras would have pockets.

    Edit: oh God… I just realized… If men had boobs “dapper Daniel” would use a French cuff bra instead of normal hook kind. It would be secured with a solid gold and pearl bra-cufflink that no one would even notice except he brings it up constantly and scoffs that I’m not taking enough pride in my appearance because I use the hook kind.

    God damnit Daniel, no one cares but you. I’ve never had a date walk away because of my clasp. They walk away from you all the time because when you say “the square alabaster shows loyalty, the round topaz shows I’m driven” all they hear is that you need to control every micro aspect of life and they won’t be allowed to where heals anymore because they might be a 1/17th of an inch taller than you. So keep your opinions to yourself you greasy haired little weasel.