I am tired of having to listen to all the side theories of every major news outlet and their interpretations of the votes as they come in. Is there anyone better than another to get more solid info and less bullshit?

  • @BananaTrifleViolin
    54 months ago

    I’d recommend video streams from BBC, Sky News and Channel 4 all in the UK. Channel 4 is partnering with CNN for data and shared stories, and their UK election coverage earlier this year was well regarded. TV news in the UK has to be impartial by law so they will not take a side in the election. They will however voice opinions from both sides.

    Having said that though all coverage will endlessly speculate all night on what ever result means because that’s the nature of elections and filling air time.

    Regarding the Guardian, that is not regulated but it is a good quality broadsheet. It is left leaning and effectively supports Harris but it’s coverage will still be good quality and not as partisan in the style of US media. But expect it to be biased somehwta in Harris’ favour.