I want people to remember this one because we’ve heard this rhetoric over and over. That if people only didn’t vote for 3rd parties everything would be better.

Well that happened. And Democrats still shit the bed.

What’s the solution? Can Democrats even be salvaged at this point? No clue. But I want the record to be clear for the next election when they bring this excuse out again.

Either Democrats actually become leftists or we get a party that will.

  • @shalafi
    2 months ago

    You’re politically engaged, you get it. And so will every human being that will read this post. The vast majority of Trump voters don’t see all that. To them those issues are low-key static that the opposition harps on, political white noise. They only know they’re hurting and one candidate said they would do something about it.

    My wife is a perfect example. She pays no attention to American politics, thinks it’s all a bunch of bullshit noise like she heard growing up in the Philippines, that is to say, nothing matters, they’re all full of shit.

    Another example, I told her Trump would close the border, she said, “Good.” For her, any political statement is all but unheard of. She doesn’t understand that the hate will be pointed at her as well. Bet she would have voted Trump if she could. All she’s heard from her ex-husband is that Trump is the man, he’ll get shit turned around. What had she heard about Harris? FFS, she was one of those people who thought Biden was still running! And that’s despite me talking politics, watching clips from stuff like The Daily Show on our TV, etc. She is tuned out.

    Here’s an example of worse ignorance: We were eating at the local Mexican joint and the waiter saw Trump on my phone (reading CNN). Tried to strike up a conversation, was really excited about Trump. We know each other by sight but haven’t exchanged but a few words of Spanish. Because the man doesn’t speak 12 words of English. Because he’s Mexican.

    (Wife doesn’t like Hispanic illegals much due to working with them. Says they’re lazy, cliquish to the extreme, been here years and won’t speak a word of English, etc. That’s been my experience in Florida whereas Chicago was the opposite. 🤷)