“While the Democratic leadership defends the status quo, the American people are angry and want change,” said the Vermont Independent. “And they’re right.”

  • @phoneymouse
    4 months ago
    1. Obama backed Hillary very forcefully in 2016 and discouraged all other Democrats from running. This largely worked. Only Bernie was willing to join the race. Biden was sidelined, even though he very much wanted to run in 2016 and was still young enough to do it. Unfortunately, this move meant the Democrats didn’t nominate a candidate that could’ve beat Trump because the options were limited and Obama had his thumb on the scale for Hillary.
    2. In 2020, Bernie had widespread appeal and was winning primaries and gaining momentum. Obama phoned up several non-progressives and had them all drop out and give their delegates to Biden, who at this point was showing his age and obviously would’ve been too old for a second term.
    3. In 2024, Biden’s age starts to show, but democrats ignore it. Instead, subvert the primary process and push in a “Party Boss Approved” candidate. Obama gives her his rubber stamp. Democrats again lose to Donald Trump.