The Israeli military said on Friday it was preparing to immediately deploy a rescue mission with the coordination of the Dutch government.

“The mission will be deployed using cargo aircraft and include medical and rescue teams,” the military said.

    5 months ago

    Ban Apartheid Israel from Sports

    Palestinian players and athletes are routinely attacked, imprisoned and killed. Athletes are denied freedom of movement to attend their own matches, competitions and trainings. Palestinian stadiums and sports infrastructures have been bombed and destroyed. Israel even prevents sports equipment from being imported and sports facilities from being developed.

    Racism against Palestinians is institutionalized in Israeli sports – from segregated youth football leagues to anti-Palestinian hate from fan clubs that goes routinely unpunished.

    In addition, Israeli football and basketball clubs based in illegal settlements are allowed to compete in official Israeli leagues, making international governing bodies FIFA and FIBA complicit in Israel’s violations of international law.

    Despite all this, Western dominated sports bodies have looked the other way, refusing to take action. More than 300 Palestinian sports clubs and dozens of civil society organizations are calling to #BanIsrael from the Olympics. Join us as we seek to ban Israel from international sports forums, including the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and FIFA, until it ends its grave crimes against Palestinians and its attacks on Palestinian sports.