I thought this game was well known but I haven’t seen almost any mentions of it recently. It’s very weird for a FOSS enthusiast not to advertise one of the best open-source games of all time so here I am trying to make it spoken about again.

Disclaimer: this game may be addictive for some individuals. Player discretion is advised. If you notice any symptoms of addiction while and/or after playing the game, stop playing immediately and consult with your doctor. Untreated gaming addiction may result in severe consequences such as digestive disorders, social behavioral disorders, loss of job, and depression.

  • @Acters
    4 months ago

    Reading the room is a skill, not a burden… Keep your opinion, we also have our own. No wonder YouTube got rid of the down vote button and other social platforms don’t really have one. Both sides pretty much want to suppress each other. No matter how much I like factorio, I don’t think many people who do play it care about is looks and the people who also play mindustry also don’t care how “terrible” it looks when we consider your standards as the measurement…

    You done goofed your reasoning. You rolled a nat 1 on charisma and intelligence check. Rip bozo