Told a new doctor about me coughing in bed most nights. They had me tested for asthma and it turns out I have had a minor form most of my life. It hit me like a truck when the inhaler they gave me during the test wore off, but It’s greatly improved my life just knowing and they haven’t even given me any form of inhaler yet. I sleep so much better with the minor things I can do at home for it. I’ll give a few links below for DIY situations like I’m currently in. Life gets better in small percentages it turns out.

Webmd suggestions

Vapor rub = Can make things worse for some asthma cases, be very cautious, but for me some around my nose has improved my sleep by a lot.

  • @ColdgoronOP
    24 months ago

    That’s good info to know also. Luckily I haven’t had acid reflux issues.