• LustyArgonian
    4 months ago


    “we are now winning in Michigan, Arizona, Nevada and Alaska, which would result in us carrying at least 315 electoral votes. But that, but it’s much easier doing what the networks did or whoever called it, because there was no other path. There was no other path to victory. We also have won the popular vote, that was great”

    “the number of victories in the Senate was absolutely incredible and we did tele-rallies, we did tele-rallies with each one of them, and sometimes we did two or three for, and it was amazing to look at all of those victories. Nobody expected that. Nobody.”

    “And I want to thank Mike Johnson, I think he’s doing a terrific job. Terrific job…” (Mike Johnson is who he said he has a little secret with and is Speaker of the house, and the house will decide, if Trump is found to have committed election fraud, if he should still be president).

    “Oh, let me tell you, we have a new star. A star is born, Elon. No, he is. Now he’s an amazing guy. We were sitting together tonight. You know, he spent two weeks in Philadelphia and different parts of Pennsylvania campaigning. You know, he sent the rocket up two weeks ago and I saw that rocket and I saw it coming down. I saw it. It was when it left. It was beautiful, shiny white. When it came down, it didn’t look so pretty. It was going 10,000 miles an hour and it was burning like hell. I said, ‘What happened to your paint job?’ He said, ‘We’ve never made a paint that could withstand that kind of heat.’ And, but I saw it come down and turn around. And it was, you know, it’s like 22 stories still, by the way, it looks a little smaller than that, but it’s big. And it came down and down and you saw that fire burning and. And I’m saying only Elon could do this. It must be an Elon.” (he means Elon stole the election with Starlink and he loves them now)

    “And you know, when we had the tragic Hurricane Helene. And it hit it, particularly it hit North Carolina. They were really devastated. The water. This was big water. As big as we’ve ever seen, water hurricane. It built lakes out of nothing, fields became lakes. And the danger was unbelievable. And the people from North Carolina came to me and they said, ‘Would it be possible at all possible for you to speak to Elon Musk, we need Starlink.’ I said, ‘What’s Starlink?’ It’s a form of communication. So I called Elon. And I’ll tell you what he had, and it was very dangerous. People would die. They had no communication. All the wires were down. I called Elon Musk. I said, ‘Elon, you have something called Starlink. Is that right?’ ‘Yes, I do.’ ‘What the hell is it?’ He said, ‘It’s a communication system that’s very good.’ I said, ‘Elon, they need it really, really badly in North Carolina.’ He got that there so fast. It was incredible.”

    “And we also have a man, Dana White, who has done some job. He’s a tough guy.” (Dana was Joe Rogans source about Elon’s app)

    Dana White: " I want to thank the boys Adin Ross, Theo Von, Bussin’ with the Boys. And last but not least, the mighty and powerful Joe Rogan. And thank you, America. Thank you. Have a good night."

    Trump: “We have more liquid gold, oil and gas. We have more liquid gold than any country in the world. More than Saudi Arabia. We have more than Russia.”

    “They said, ‘He will start a war.’ I’m not going to start a war. I’m going to stop wars. But this is also a massive victory for democracy and for freedom. Together, we’re going to unlock America’s glorious destiny. We’re going to achieve the most incredible future for our people.”

    "Yesterday, as I stood at my last stop on the campaign trail, I’ll never be doing a rally again, can you believe it? I think we’ve done 900 rallies approximately from. Can you imagine? 900, 901 or something. A lot of rallies. And it was sad. Everybody was sad. Many people. I said, ‘This is our last rally,’ but now we’re going on to something that’s far more important because the rallies were used for us to put, be put in this position where we can really help our country.