I’ve been wanting to move out of my Mom’s house for a while, and I originally wanted to move to Florida, but its, price, over-gentrified/fake/resort feel, overpriced mmj program, and Ron DeSantis turned me off, so I decided that I will try to move to Puerto Rico instead, hopefully by next year

anyway, what do y’all have?

  • @BonesOfTheMoon
    84 months ago

    She and my aunt, her sister, are very low contact because my mother is psychotically jealous of her and does all her BPD shit to her if they are more in touch. My aunt was discovered to have bowel cancer last month, which she wanted my mother not to know because she’d make it all about herself and create her emotional vampire drama over it. However my mother had gotten a whiff of the news due to a family friend running into my aunt at the surgeon’s office and called up demanding to know all. My aunt disengaged and told her nothing.

    My aunt went for her bowel resection last week. My mother is a retired OR nurse at that hospital, and still has friends that work in the OR. My aunt was on the stretcher waiting to be rolled down to the OR, when suddenly my mother appeared and shoved her face into hers to yell hello. My aunt, startled, replied “What are you doing here?”, but before my mother could answer she was being rolled down the hall. The nurse who received her there smiled and told her she knew her sister.

    So basically this nurse violated my aunt’s confidentiality and my mother showed up just to let her know that she knew. She did not show up afterwards to visit or call her or send her a card. It was not to support her. She just wanted her to know that she had found out and that she wasn’t getting away with not telling her.

    That’s the level of violent disruptive dangerous bullshit she pulls. So I will never talk to her again.