• TheRealKuni
    84 months ago

    Woof, that sucks.

    The church I grew up in, which has a very “high church” liturgical style, just accepts that children make sound. There’s always a constant low-volume noise from anll the kids and people just ignore it. After all, Christ said, “Suffer little children, and forbid them not to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”

    Church shouldn’t be about rigidity or the appearance of perfection, it flies in the face of the core of the Christian religion. But I don’t think most Christians really think about their faith in living terms, they think about the trappings and appearance and going through the proper motions (as is evidenced by the evangelicals flocking to hate-filled shysters like Trump).

    While there is certainly spiritual value in the ritual, it cannot be at the expense of the meaning. All rigidity does is make church suck.