Here’s a copy and paste from the 1933 article:

Rise in Stocks Reflects Confidence He Will Not Disrupt Nation’s Affairs

Berlin is settling down to pass judgment on political developments. Politicians, economists and bankers declare there is usually wide discrepancy between the speeches of opposition politicians and the actions of the group when it gains power.

Consequently, it is not believed that Hitler will accomplish a change in the constitution or that [Reich Minister of Economics Alfred] Hugenberg will bring about a general reduction of interest rates. The government wants to obtain an adjournment of the Reichstag for several months, but it is questionable whether the Centre [Party] will approve of such action.

  • @theangryseal
    54 months ago

    You know what really, really, really sucks?

    All of this. Take the titles and names of the religions away. Make up new words. Call them all whatever you want to and you know what they all have in common?

    Their humanity.

    Any of us would be animals under the right circumstances. All of history says exactly that.

    I wish we could find a way to do away with all of it.

    Even then though, atheist states have committed mass murder. It isn’t just religion, it’s humanity. Isn’t that sad?

    If we erased all of our history tomorrow and gave humans a damn Nintendo and a handful of cartridges, we’d be killing each other over Mario bros in 100 years.

    I really wish I was just sitting in a dirty house in West Virginia, breathing exclusively from my mouth, saliva dripping at my feet. I wish I didn’t see humanity for what it is.

    What really, really sucks is that we could drop this crap and get along if we were truly intelligent. We aren’t. We’re herds of bloodthirsty animals making things up so we can FEEL like we have meaning.

    Oh well.