• @Cypher
    93 months ago

    Your claim it is one of the most dangerous parts of the world simply doesn’t hold up. Laos doesn’t contain any of the top 100 most dangerous cities.

    Laos is mostly considered to have a normal level of danger, except areas bordering Myanmar due to civil war, and Xaisomboun province due to civil unrest, as advised by multiple countries:




    Secondly I don’t hate poor people, I was pointing out your hate of people with the means to enjoy their lives.

    Young people travelling and experiencing new cultures is a good thing. What else would a person call that but an adventure?

    Also it wasn’t the victims that used that word it was the media. You decided you hated the victims before you knew anything about them.

    step over poor and dying people and ignore the suffering while you go “wow what an adventure!”

    Yea the poor would really appreciate if you kept your income and wealth entirely in your own nation thanks. Tourism has never been important to an economy.

    You are a short sighted and angry fool. Too focused on your own situation to view the world through any other lense.