Specifically the emulation part. I wonder could this be used to take down a future emulator emulating the game. I know Nintendo claimed DMCA for the yuzu stuff. Not sure about EULA if there would be grounds to do so. Either way I’m sure we can expect more of this crap as time goes on.

like the rest of you I never read and ignore them , but on a whim I skimmed this one and this stood out.

  • @RubberElectrons
    53 months ago

    Well at least I’d know where the boundaries are. I don’t want to have to distill a 10pg eula to it’s core tenets, is rather plain language for most of it, with technical legal language only where it’s critical, and not as an addendum or post script.

    If people actually understand what the limits are, the creators can get useful feedback on what the community likes or doesn’t about the terms.