• @Paragone
    13 months ago

    This, above-me, is more important than its score is indicating:

    “unconscious at the wheel” is humankind’s default “governing”, evidence now proves.

    NOBODY’s been doing proper dimensions-by-dimensions orthogonal-sets of scenario-planning,

    & that means nobody’s got actual strategy.

    Just moderating the status-quo isn’t strategy, it is committee-negotiating.

    There are people who played the Risk boardgame…

    having a MMPORPG ( or whatever the hell they’re called ) with the correct divided-by-dimensions representation of our world,

    & using it for scenario-planning, could really put a dent in the wildcard-dictator-sadists of this world’s plans!

    Simply by discovering their leverages, & systematically-extinguishing them, more-moderate-path could be enforced, strategically…

    Mind you, it’d also discover our weaknesses, which we’ve ignored-too-long, & … to great political-difficulty … suddenly now have to be dealing with, of course…

    but better to have a shored-up immune-system ( at the national level ) before a pandemic hits, than to have a rotted-out one in the same pandemic, isn’t it?

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