
New York Mayor Eric Adams is facing scrutiny for his apparent shift to the right, aligning with Trump’s immigration policies and suggesting cooperation with mass deportations.

Critics link this to his federal corruption trial over alleged fundraising abuses, speculating Adams is currying favor with Trump to ease legal pressures.

His hardline immigration stance, including deporting accused (not convicted) migrants, has sparked backlash from civil rights groups.

Analysts suggest Adams’ moves aim to secure re-election by appealing to centrist voters and adapting to Trump’s incoming administration.

Adams hasn’t ruled out switching parties.

  • @disguy_ovahea
    3 months ago

    It’s a shame. Silwa created the Guardian Angels. That, coupled with proposals for universal basic income, protections for the homeless, ending tax breaks for MSG and other wealthy organizations, and animal rights, should’ve given him an edge. Unfortunately he ran as a Republican and had to go all “refund the police” leading up to the campaign.

    Adams was a Republican in Democrat clothing just as Silwa was an Independent in Republican clothing.