Trope or not, gods just end up being a common target for games about heroes escalating in power while fighting increasingly world-destroying consequences.

So, for each post, name a game and describe it, with the assumption being that every description automatically ends with the phrase:

“…and then it ends with you fighting a god.”

  • @JayEchoRay
    12 months ago

    Firstly, I feel offended you reduced the giant mecha vs a dragon cinematic to robot vs a doll army :P

    Ff9 did the “all powerful god” but it is really a wtf out of no where momement that can feel jarring with the themes of the game - a ludonarrative narrative dissonance, unless I missed some obscure reference to it somewhere

    I would argue that ff6 wrote a less jarring “kill a god” fight:


    Although pulling ideas from christianity, it has a psychopathic clown ascend to godhood, shatter the world and sit a top his “heavenly throne” shooting god rays from the sky on a whim

    The fight then is a series of killing his “angels” before finally destroying him and shattering his “heaven”