Are bandits universally evil? I just murderized and entire encampment of bandits by leading a group of mi-gos towards them first for the softening. And then promptly shot in the back a fleeing bandit. Could I have talked to them? I’ve never interacted with bandits before but are they more like scavengers than evil individuals that will mug/kill other humans?

  • @JayEchoRay
    31 year ago

    Recently a “fearless fighter” npcs attacked me (probably because of mutations) or because I was pulping corpses or I accidently hit first. Got a mood malus for killing them… but doesn’t really make much of a difference as the next day I visited the whole school it was zombies and ferals.

    So I guess the opening day panicked npcs are being treated like “children” where it seen as unneccessary killing.

    Bandits are free targets though, their first response is usually to get angry

    I guess nice thing about being a chemically imbalance, bad temper illiterate is it hardly matters, moods change on whim and only getting out of DX/ D: mood is a problem for dissection. It is a simpler life it not a bit more chaotic and uncontrollable.

    Had a good laugh when I was trying to save cows from zombie cows and a npc runs up telling me to drop my weapons to which my character told them to drop their weapons… and being the scary mutated “monster” the npc drops their weapons and runs around like a headless chicken - so not really even worth my time in that case I had cows to save.