So, everywhere I look people are saying “getting an ear is easy! Just score it all the way across with a 30 degree angle. It’s so easy!” But what does 30 degrees mean‽ 30 degrees from what? 30 degrees from the table it’s sitting on? Is it the angle of the blade as it enters the dough, or it is 30 degrees up the surface of the dough? Or something I’m not thinking of? Any help would be awesome. Thanks!

  • @desGrolesM
    11 year ago

    The bread code went into a lot of detail about this. Think he’s got a diagram out there too explaining it! So, give this a try - if your loaf is a batard shape - score it on the side (not on the top surface). And hold the blade fairly close to fully horizontal with your table (which means it will be at about the correct angle with the bread).