It took German industry an eyebrow-raising 19 months to refurbish and deliver the first 58 of at least 155 Leopard 1A5 tanks a German-led consortium has pledged to Ukraine. But the three-country consortium—Germany, The Netherlands and Belgium—has apparently resolved parts shortages and is finally picking up the pace.

Since those first 58 Leopard 1A5s arrived through early September, an additional 45 of the 1980s-vintage tanks have shipped.

  • @Jumi
    2 months ago

    The Leo 1A5 is really good tank too. It has a modified fire control system, it’s based on the one from the Leo 2 but a bit downgraded. Also, if I read that correctly it could be upgunned to the 120mm.

    Sadly most of them have been decommissioned and destroyed as per contract, at least in Germany.