The Borderlands series is known for its vast array of unique weapons and its wild, often crude humor. Gearbox has confirmed that Borderlands 4 will continue
I fear you’re probably correct in how it will play out. Popular culture stuff has been in a vicious cycle of ping-ponging between reactionary extremes for a while now.
That said, I agree with you, it’s somewhere between 1 and 2, but I think 1 was carried by breaking the norm at the time, so the humor can’t have the same impact it did then due to it being expected now and other franchises jumping on similar humor since.
I fear you’re probably correct in how it will play out. Popular culture stuff has been in a vicious cycle of ping-ponging between reactionary extremes for a while now.
That said, I agree with you, it’s somewhere between 1 and 2, but I think 1 was carried by breaking the norm at the time, so the humor can’t have the same impact it did then due to it being expected now and other franchises jumping on similar humor since.