I want to go to Egypt, Cairo specifically, but I hate people getting all up in my face.

I’ve been to places where they approach you and bother you but will leave it you tell them you are not interested. I heard in Egypt they will insist even after you tell them to go away and I’m worried I will end up headbutting some Egyptian seller/scammer and get into very serious problems.

Should I not go?

  • @TheEighthDoctorOP
    22 months ago

    It’s not that I have a problem with restraint is that if I have to tell a person 3 or 4 times to back off and they keep pushing me into a metaphororical corner I can lash out.

    I never had any problems with violence before other than the normal teenager bullshit because I just remove myself from the situation, but I know myself, and I know of I’m encroached on I will probably lash out.