• @Zak
    2 months ago

    I’m not at all sure what the author wants, except for wanting to roll back time to something less secure.

    I’m not sure what the author wants either because the article is written in such a both sides style.

    I know what I want though, and it definitely includes access to “dangerous” permissions; I’ve had root on my smartphone pretty much as long as I’ve been using one. I don’t mind making those a bit awkward to turn on though, and it seems like that’s what’s going on here. If anything, I’d like to see that broadened to all apps rather than just installs outside app stores.

    What I don’t want, and what I’m concerned about is that this is a stepping stone to is a system where some permissions are only available to apps from Google-approved app stores, or a scenario like iOS where apps can only be installed from stores or with Google-approved developer credentials.