(Go stick your head in a pig!)

Come to think of it, “share and enjoy” is exactly the way I would expect an AI-generated YouTube video to end.

  • @Mr_Dr_Oink
    52 months ago

    I am reminded of an argument i had years ago about people relying on google to do their jobs.

    I argued that using google to give you the answer to a problem doesn’t help you in the long run. Instead of understanding the solution and being able to use that understanding to solve problems in the future, you just become dependent on google to get you through the day.

    It is much more important to learn why a solution fixes a problem and the steps you take to understand the elements of the solution. It opens more doors, and you learn how to use your brain.

    Both thinking and googling will get people far, but if google ever went away, only the thinkers would survive.

    This is happening again but this time its AI.

    The funny thing is, the people who made google search, and the people who created AI, are likely the thinkers.