I get it, you worked hard for hours and days and weeks on your incredibly cool-looking interface for your game. You made it so all the text perfectly lines up everywhere and picked a slick looking font, but it's all too darn small.
>Mom, can we get quality options?
>Mom: We have quality options at home.
>Quality options at home:
Being serious though: the problem isn’t so much that we don’t have options, as much as it’s that devs are pushed towards rapid release cycles without appropriate optimization while at the same time modern titles are too focused on graphical fidelity and gimmicks over artistic style.
>Mom, can we get quality options?
>Mom: We have quality options at home.
>Quality options at home:
Being serious though: the problem isn’t so much that we don’t have options, as much as it’s that devs are pushed towards rapid release cycles without appropriate optimization while at the same time modern titles are too focused on graphical fidelity and gimmicks over artistic style.