As I’ve suggested for awhile, there is a worsening of the Russian KIA vs. WIA ratio, due to a lack & systemic breakdown of medical evac, the people and armored vehicles required to do it, wounded not being sent to hospitals, as they go AWOL, used instead in wave assaults, increasing drones w/ multiple strikes on target, etc.

Telenko puts the current KIA vs. WIA ratio as MUCH worse than WW1 levels, with herds of PIGS having learned, Pavlovian-style, that if they hear FPVs, that means food.

  • @5190tent
    62 months ago

    I think it’s the (fear of) drones. Most russian troops don’t have any effective detection or countermeasures against them. Artillery hits are often followed up by drone attacks and Ukrainian infantry also heavily relies on reconnaissance and support from drones.

    There are so many videos from the early stages of the war starting with a single russian soldier getting wounded by artillery, a drone grenade, mine or sniper. Attempts to rescue them then lead to more and more drone casualties. Getting stuck in this situation then makes it a matter of time before artillery, more drones, or Ukrainian ground troops show up to finish the job.

    The result are panicked retreats where everyone tries to save themselves. The general lack of training and resources probably doesn’t help either.