I have the following kernels installed:

  • linux-zen (Zen)
  • linux-rt (RealTime)
  • linux-hardened (Security Hardened)
  • linux-lts (Long Term Support)
  • linux-tr-lts (Realtime LTS)

When I boot up, I try the different kernels from time to time just to see if anything interesting happens. It never does.

My question: How do I actually physically notice the difference between these kernels? If I use RT, does Firefox spawn quicker (in my testing, no, not really)?

What are some use cases when I can really see the difference in these kernels?

  • @Deckweiss
    1 month ago

    Here is a nice video that gives you an easy to grasp intuition about durations of different operations and access of components of a computer (Cache vs RAM vs SSD vs HDD etc.)

    I find it illustrates well why a fester drive or even faster RAM (unless there is a different bottleneck) would give you a more noticable performance uplift than a different Kernel.
