Pardons for members of government for actions they took from the seat of government just removes the public’s ability to hold our government accountable. We already have too little accountability.

Further because pardons are more likely to be political in nature it allows for a regime to entirely protect themselves when and if they commit abuses of power.

  • @x0x7OP
    1 month ago

    That is a fair point. I suppose it is a weak argument to say that the government should do something else well instead, because it currently doesn’t. But more broadly government shouldn’t be placing serious penalties on anything that doesn’t have definite harm that has occurred on a definite victim.

    Fining you for speeding sure. But castration or even jail longer than six months, I’m going to need to see an actual victim with a substantive harm where but for the accused’s specific actions they would have not been harmed (proximate cause).

    But people think with emotions and can be told to dislike this or that person (sometimes fairly but often unfairly) and then people will support any level of penalty suggested thereafter.

    More amendments we need. It should be easier to pass amendments that restrict government where the majority agree, strong majority to grow powers. Yet another amendment we need.