Sol 1395 (January 22, 2025)
2 images from site 65.0, the recent one featuring a new abrasion patch.
Sol 1395 R-NavCam tile, and a tile acquired during sol 1381.
Comparing the images indicates displacement of some regolith, movement of some pebbles, and apparent settlement of the some fractured sections of the rock.
Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech
They already employ some of the smartest engineers and scientists across our global village, but each new mission, throws a bunch of new spanners into the works, those unexpected issues force them to come up with new hardware and better instruments for follow on missions :) It’s a pity this mission has suffered from less mission updates compared with its cousin (MSL) After the recent job cuts I don’t see that situation improving any time soon. :( Also we have a new government in the US, time will tell what budgets are provided for planetary exploration.