So. I wanna start this off by saying to those unaware that I am a raging homosexual and happy to be one.

I’ve never been particularly into JRPGs. I’m not a huge fan of the art style but the voice acting usually puts me off. JRPGs seem to have a lot of extra enthusiasm noises and exertion noises and for some reason it drives me batty. No ill will against the games, just they’ve never captured my interest due to that (Dragon Quest 1, 2 and 11 are exempt from this for some reason I can’t explain). A friend knew this and kept bugging me to play Persona 5. I had played the dancing games and knew the music was phenomenal and exactly up my alley so screw it. I figured I’d try.

Opened up the game and started setting it up, naming my character and going about things. I got about 3-4 hours in before giving up.

A few months later I redownloaded P5 to try it again. This time I was enjoying myself a bit more. Picked up where I left off and kept going. 20ish minutes or so I ended up going back to the cafe. Up until this point, everyone was calling me Joker or random nicknames so I had just completely forgotten my characters name. Then I start going up the stairs or walk into the ship and the first bit of text that pops up is “Hey! FXGG@T!”

I spent the next 5 minutes thinking that Persona 5 was the most insanely homophobic game I’ve ever played and shocked at how I’ve never heard about this. I had joined a VC with that friend who got me to start it the first time and said as much. He was shocked at first and then suddenly started laughing as he remembered when I chose that name to begin with.

  • StametsOP
    019 days ago

    Yes it is. Congratulations