What I’m saying is, in society, the corporations often do something that you just hate.

Ranging from anti consumer practices, data tracking, all the way to supporting a political candidate you dislike or even in extreme cases, going full nazi. So theres a wide spectrum of “evil” that corporations do, where along that line do you say “nope, I’m out” and boycott? I mean, we can’t boycott for every minor transgression, or every thing its CEO says, because there are only like a few companies out there, so if you are too restrictive in drawing that line, you would be essentially cutting yourself off of the capitalist society, and have to grow food by yourself. So when do you boycott?

  • @Nefara
    1 month ago

    If you mean Amazon, hard at first but once you get into the habit it’s not hard at all. Whatever you would search Amazon for, search DuckDuckGo for or your websearch of choice and put -amazon in. There are SO MANY online stores out there, with perfectly reasonable prices and even free and fast shipping.

    Some general recs:

    B&H Photo or Microcenter for anything electronic or computer related

    For clothes, if you have any clothes you already enjoy, go directly to their brand website

    For food items, local grocery stores often offer online shopping and delivery. If it’s a specialty item or imported the import companies sometimes have their own websites.

    For something hard to find you can’t find another site for, try Ebay.

    I’ve been avoiding Amazon for about three years now. I do business with all sorts of independent retailers and have only had good experiences with them. I encourage everyone to get out of the trap of thinking that Amazon is the only option.