• @pjwestin
    11 month ago

    You understand that things change over time, right? Silicone Valley tech giants like Facebook had an extremely cozy relationship with Obama, and they’ve been heavily involved with Democratic politics for years.

    Now they’re pivoting right; Zuckerberg didn’t donate to Harris this year, even though he’d donated $400 million to Democrats the previous election cycle, and he’s now adopting Trump’s, “anti-woke,” bullshit. Musk, who made a killing on Obama’s electric vehicle subsidies, is now doing Nazi salutes at Trump’s inauguration.

    A lot of this has to do with how social media algorithms are driving people down right-wing conspiracy rabbit holes. Democrats blame a lot of their losses since 2016 on, “fake news,” and online misinformation, and have begun demanding small amounts of accountability from tech giants. In response, the tech industry has been slowly moving rightward over the last eight years, and now seem to fully embrace Trump.

    So, yes, California is basically owned by tech oligarchs, and it is also mostly run by Democrats. Until very recently, those two groups weren’t at odds, and now that they are, we are just beginning to see what that conflict will mean for California and the rest of the country.