There are plenty of contradictory lines in any religious text. People cherry pick what ever serves their own agenda. Like I said in another post, any self-proclaimed religious person would not be doing what they’re doing if it’s not in their religious book. Islamic fundamentalists are extremely violent because the Koran is a violent book. Christians proselytise because their book orders them to do so. The Jews perform circumcision because the Torah tells them to. And note that all of these three religions believe in the same god and thus all have the same origin story; and yet they are all completely at odds with each other.
There are plenty of contradictory lines in any religious text. People cherry pick what ever serves their own agenda. Like I said in another post, any self-proclaimed religious person would not be doing what they’re doing if it’s not in their religious book. Islamic fundamentalists are extremely violent because the Koran is a violent book. Christians proselytise because their book orders them to do so. The Jews perform circumcision because the Torah tells them to. And note that all of these three religions believe in the same god and thus all have the same origin story; and yet they are all completely at odds with each other.