The Gemini protocol is brutally simple, which makes it just about too useless for apps, tracking, and commercial purposes. Gemtext, the format for Gemini pages, is very basic; with about half as many features as markdown, it’s barely a step above plain text. As a result, Gemini is a small universe of blogs and personal sites.

Its simplicity makes it easy for people to create compatible clients and services for it. It’s self-hosting friendly and there are also hosting services, like and some pubnixes.

Of course, you’ll need to get a Gemini browser or visit a Gemini-to-web proxy to access it.

  • @moseschrute
    11 month ago

    Literally never did I say JavaScript was the best programming language lol. I have no beef with my C++ colleague. Actually I really love picking his brain about neural networks and other stuff that he does that I don’t work on.

    I also think it’s “ridiculous” when people boast that their programming language is best. All I meant was JavaScript doesn’t deserve as much hate as it gets.

    Listen we can argue about programming languages all day, but what we can all agree on is objectively Vim is the best editor. Only losers navigate VS Code using their mouse 🤮